W najnowszym numerze ’The Jung Journal’ ukazał się artykuł członka Rady OBSS dra Daniela Bąka. Jest on psychoterapeutą Gestalt, z, jak o sobie pisze, „dużą sympatią dla analizy Jungowskiej oraz teorii relacji z obiektem”. Tytuł artykułu: „Psychotherapy in the Shadow of Shame. The Polish Experience of Institutionalized Homo-, Bi-, and Transphobia„.
Streszczenie: The author reviews current examples of institutionalized homo-, bi-, and transphobia expressed by right-wing politicians and the Catholic Church in Poland. He uses the Gestalt theory of shame to understand the psychological consequences of this systemic oppression and analyzes internalized homo-, bi-, and transphobia; “the love focus” in activist narratives on homosexuality; and the lack of psychotherapeutic depth when working through gender and/or sexuality issues with clients. A psychotherapist’s role as a psychosocial activist (the Gestalt realm) or shadow practitioner (the Jungian realm) is suggested as a crucial support for an LGBT+ client.
Link do artykułu: https://www.tandfonline.com/…/10…/19342039.2021.1979359